The MnemoRep flashcard app keeps track of how well you remember each card. These cards are organized in stacks per study subject. After the first few repetitions, you see an overview like this when you select a stack of flashcards:
Base on the scientifically proven spaced repetition algorithm, the cards that deserve attention in the next repetition are selected. The date for that repetition is calculated and shown on the main screen. In red if overdue.
Graphs for even more study insights
For each stack of cards you can see your progress in five graphs, ranging from average score per repetition to your favourite study hour of the day for this subject.
You can expect more statistics in future releases of our MnemoRep app. The data captured for these graphs stays on your smartphone and is never shared with anyone. We totally respect your privacy.
Do you like visual study aids like these?
Get our unique and free MnemoRep spaced repetition memorizing app on your Android tablet or smartphone today.